
Men Try On Spanx For The First Time (And Their Reactions Are Hilarious!)


Found on BuzzFeedVideo

Guys trying on spanx sounds like a female revenge, doesn’t it? Well, actually it is a hilarious fashion experiment. I don’t know who had the idea but I already love this person!

Sometimes guys don’t recognise all the work we put on looking fabulous for date night. However, at least for these few guys things are going to change!

Being a woman is not the easiest thing in the world. We often feel society’s pressure to always look perfect, whilst real men don’t do anything else than work out (best case!) and exist – this world is so unfair!

What do you think would happen if men tried on some of our beauty tricks? Ha! Just lay back and watch their extremely funny reactions:



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  • Reply Molly 21. August 2014 at 12:52

    This is so funny ROFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Elle
      Reply Elle 21. August 2014 at 21:42

      Haha yes, indeed!

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