beauty, Sport

September: National Yoga Month

Hey everybody,

I’ve been MIA lately… been sick with this nasty summer cold, which is really tough to beat – But because september is a special month I had to crawl out of my bed and write something about it 🙂

As we leave behind summer and the awesome vacation time and begin autumn, getting back to school and spending less time outside, we have to find some time for ourselves to focus on body and soul.

Yoga combines meditation, breath control, body posture and the Hindu philosophy. Yoga gurus from India introduced this great body and mind exercise to the western countries and it has become very popular ever since.

The US Department of Health designated September National Yoga Month and since then yoga centres across the US use this month to offer special deals for beginners.

There is no doubt that the combination of mental and physical work out has many health benefits. In our society  we are surrounded by so much noise and visual stimuli, and we have very little time for ourselves, time to quiet down. That is one of the reasons why I am a big fan of Yoga. Let’s also not forget that Yoga can help people reducing weight, treat hypertension, chronic back pain, improving heart health, etc.

Check out our post: Yoga For Weight Loss

If you have never tried it before, check out these videos or visit a yoga centre next to you:



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  • Reply Mel 4. September 2014 at 00:45

    Excellent post!

    • Elle
      Reply Elle 4. September 2014 at 01:07

      Thank you Mel 🙂

  • Reply Carlie 4. September 2014 at 01:03

    Great post! I love yoga, it’s the best exercise.

    Get well soon, doll!


    • Elle
      Reply Elle 4. September 2014 at 01:08

      Thx sweetie 🙂

  • Reply Lux 9. September 2014 at 20:09

    I’ve always wanted to try yoga seriously. Thanks for this.

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