Events, General

Liebster Award: Discover New Blogs!

liebster-award-mainHello  fashionable people!

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely  Mel from the Girl and the Polka Dot blog (please go check out her blog!). This is the first time I hear about this award and it makes me so happy that you, Mel, have chosen LR2W among others. Thanks a lot!

This award (Liebster is a german word that means beloved, darling, etc) is passed from blogger to blogger, allowing us to discover new blogs and get to know each other. So here are my Q&A:

Liebster Award Rules: 

  • Mention the person who nominated you and link their blog to your post
  • Answer the 11 questions you’ve been asked
  • Nominate 11 bloggers with a smaller following but have lots of potential
  • Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer
  • Notify your nominees


Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because I felt that I had something different to say about fashion and other matters. I grew up around my mom’s fashion magazines, her tea time with her stylish friends and trying to wear her couture dresses – my message is quality over quantity and that fashion should have a social responsibility. I want people to think more about what they buy: it’s nice to have a trendy outfit for so little money but how come it costs so little? My generation has a closet full of clothes that they proudly look at but almost never wear. Whilst we could be buying, as the generation before us, fewer clothes with more quality (that lasts longer too!) and where people get paid well for producing them, being able to live from their work.

What is your dream job? As a student of Business Administration and Economics with a passion for fashion, my dream job would be a job in the fashion industry! I’d love that 🙂

Who is your favorite designer? Tough question… I love Stella McCartney for being a responsible and modern designer. For using organic fabrics and caring about how things are made; enviromentally, in quality of life and, of course, fair trade. She is awesome!

Where is your favorite place to go? I’m sorry Paris but I have the London fever!

What is your one item you can’t live without? I can’t live without my purse. Everything I need for the day is in it 🙂

What is your favorite animal? I can’t imagine my life without dogs. We always had many dogs, they are precious!

Best concert you have been to? Coldplay’s and Robbie Williams – both were amazing!

Best childhood memory? My best childhood memory is definetly growing up close to the ocean. There is so much that you learn from that – especially how sensible and fragile our life is in comparison with the power of nature – it teaches you to have  a profound appreciation for nature.

Three words to describe your style? Casual,  classic, very lived-in (with some girly details).

What is your favorite trend? My favourite trend for autumn is for sure the patterned dress.

What is your favorite blog? My favourite blog is BryanBoy. He has style!


Now I nominate:

Kiss the Chic


Eniwhere Fashion

Love Always Liv

Aesthetics in Wonder

The Trendy Tea 

Trend Keeper

It’s Elle D 

Simply Glamx

Memoirs of a Fashion Addict 

Clothes to Midnight 


Your questions:

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

2. What 3 things would you take with you on a desert island?

3. What is your favourite store?

4. Where does your blogging inspiration come from?

5. Gold or silver?

6. Beauty product you can’t live without?

7. What’s your favourite season of the year?

8. Share with us one of your beauty trick.

9. What’s the story behind your blog name?

10. If you could live one day over again, what day would it be?

11. What are your top 5 favourite blogs?


I’m looking forward to reading your answers!!



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  • Reply Mel 23. August 2014 at 14:25

    Loved reading your answers and learning more about you!

    • Elle
      Reply Elle 23. August 2014 at 15:44

      Thank you Mel 🙂


  • Reply Subham Rai 23. August 2014 at 16:44

    Congratulations on getting awarded the liebster award!


    • Elle
      Reply Elle 23. August 2014 at 17:28

      Thanks a lot!


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