Did You Know, trends

Did you know that about fashion?

Clipboard 8Hey everybody,

I’ve been reading a couple of books about fashion and trying to learn more about the industry to gather facts I can one day share with you.  I L-O-V-E fahion and style but I am not a slave of them – it is important to know what is IN but the way I plan my wardrobe mirrows who I am, I would never wear something I don’t like just because everyone has it!

Now let’s get back to today’s theme, by reading these books I found out so many curious things about the topic that I decided to share with you in a short post. I hope you guys enjoy it and have a great glamorous weekend!



Did you know that…

  • During the reign of Peter the Great in Russia, men were not supposed to grow beard (so they would look more european) or they would have paid a special tax?
  • Back to then up to the 19th century designers used little dolls to present their creations instead of models? Yes, their collections were showed off by creating doll-sized copies.
  • Men started wearing jewelry long ago before women did? It used to impose their status in the society and to show their victory in battles.
  • Being pregnant was in fashion back to the 15th century? They were all so crazy about getting pregnant that girls who weren’t, would use pillows under their clothing just to look pregnant?
  • A long time ago spotting a short hair lady on the street only meant one thing: she was unfaithful to her husband?
  • People from the renaissance period shaved ther eyebrows off as a fashion statement? Check out Mona Lisa 🙂
  • Clothing can only be called vintage if it dates back from the 20’s to 60’s? After the 60’s the right term is retro!
  • Elizabeth I loved hats so much that she ordered all females over the age of 7 to wear hats on Sundays and holidays. Anyone who refused would be fined.

Now you know!



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  • Reply Rose 27. April 2014 at 09:45

    Hahaha, love it! And the pregnancy Fashion… tell that teen moms lol

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Elle
      Reply Elle 15. May 2014 at 17:14

      😀 funny! Thx for stopping by 🙂

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