We all have different skin types and it is important to know the current state of your skin before choosing what skin care is the best for you. I’d like to emphasise the word “current” because our skin types aren’t genetically programmed and it will change by the influence of lifestyle, diet, hormones, etc. Younger people are more likely to have normal skin than older people but with puberty our skin starts to change. Learn more about your skin, how to find out your skin type and what kind of care it needs:
There are 5 skin types:
Normal Skin: The skin is smooth, radiant complexion, barely visible pores, almost no imperfection, no severe sensibility. Normal skin is the state we want to restore.
Care: Cleanse your skin twice a day with products without alcohol or soap ingredients. The mosturizer should only be used if you really need it. Once a week you should apply an exfoliating mask.
Dry Skin: Dry skin has almost invisible pores, a rough complexion, red patches, after washing you would feel a feeling of tension on the skin and it has more visible lines.
Care: Cleanse your skin in the morning and in the evening avoiding products with alcohol or soap products. Use a moisturizer on humid skin and enjoy once a week a moisturizing mask. If your body skin is also dry, use a sugar scrub.
Sensitive Skin: It has fine pores and tends to be even more wrinkling than dry skin. This type of skin tends to redness and broken capillaries and reacts quickly irritated to the use of most cosmectics .
Care: Clean the skin twice a day avoiding soap cleanser. If you wear makeup, take it off before cleaning using the oil cleansing method. Use alcohol-free toner and and soap-free products. Make sure that your skin care has no fruit acids or artificial ingredients. If your skin is prone to broken capillaries, you should never have steam baths.
Oily Skin: Oily skin can produce enlarged pores. The skin looks dull, shiny and it has a thick complexion. Blackheads, pimples and blemishes are usual.
Care: Clean your skin twice a day using a mild, alcohol-based toner. Usually you won’t need any moisturizer. Use once a week a cleansing mask.
Combination Skin: It is charactrized by oily parts on the forehead, nose and chin, whilst skin around eyes and cheek area is dry.
Care: Mild clean twice a day. Treat your skin zones according to their needs: alcohol-free toner and moisturizer should be used on the dry spots, but not on oily skin. Use once a week a cleaning mask on the greasy areas and a hydrating mask on dry zones.
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