
Trend happens!

Clipboard03Hello  fashionable peeps,

Have you ever asked yourself, where do trends come from? Well, we know that designers present their collections twice a year in Paris, London, New York, etc. And it is not uncommon for designers to have similar looks in there repertoire. So, do they sit at the round table of fashion and share their inputs on what is IN and what is OUT? Of course not! There would be impossible to settle on something with so many ideas and creativity in the room.

However, how do designers decide what is HOT and what is NOT? Inspiration comes from everywhere: a music, the streetlife, vacations, personal events – there are many ways to get inspired but that alone does not make a great collection. Fashion geniuses have to combine inspiration with Zeitgeist, the stream of current fashion and society to get the perfect look. This requires research and there is where the “coolhunters” come in!

Coolhunters are marketing professionals who observe current trends and predict “where the youth demographic will shift in trends  -in fashion and technology- in the immediate future” ( They are not looking for the mainstream, they want to find the individualists, because they always offer unusual styles ( be it new or vintage), a nice combination of colours and exceptional fabrics – all the information that they collected will end on the table of a designer. They also observe blogs, blockbusters,  Hollywood stars and IT-Girls who have joy in experimenting.

Even what is happening in the world is important – some even say that  skirts get shorter the higher the economic growth and longer the higher the economic fluctuation… go figure!


(Inspired by: “Anziehungskraft: Still kennt keine Größe” by the german Designer Guido Maria Kretschmer)



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1 Comment

  • Reply Clara 20. April 2014 at 12:30

    Loved this post, thx

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