Events, Fashion, trends

100 Years of Halloween Costumes in 3 Minutes – Get Inspired!

Courtesy of MODE on Youtube

Courtesy of MODE on Youtube

Halloween is just around the corner, a little more than 2 weeks to go and I know many people that still have no idea what they are going to wear. Check out this amazing video and let me know what style suits you best!

100 years of Halloween costumes and trends have come and gone – well not completly, as many of them we still see around​ every Halloween, they are timeless. These outfits are great inspiration for people looking for a last-minute costume inspo, what do you think?

I love the catgirl  costume for Halloween, btw that Kim Kardashian is so creepy! Haha…




DON’T MISS: My DIY Halloween Special HERE. And Learn how to scare your neighbourhood, family and friends with decor, makeups and amazing treats!

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