Source slice.ca
Today, let’s talk about a few fashion mistakes we woman should avoid. I do love that saying “live and let live” but who doesn’t want to be known for a good style other than faux pas?
“People will stare. Make it worth their while.” Harry Winston
On the bright side, cast the first stone who is without fashion sins – when we think about clothes we’ve dressed and haircuts we’ve had on the past… Oh my goodness, right?! So, let’s get it started:
1. Showing too much:
Whilst looking for an outfit we have to keep in mind that sometimes a couple of inches here and there can change an outfit from classy to trashy.
If you are younger than 20, you are kind of dicovering your body, curves and want to try new things… that is pretty normal, been there, done that! But as you grow up, people should see you as the beautiful person you are and not just a body, don’t you think?

“Muffin top workout” source glamour.com
2. Muffin Tops:
If you are a fan of low rise jeans but you have a couple of pounds more than you wished, then the only thing I can tell you is: HIT THE GYM GAl!
I know, it is easier to ignore it and just say “the hell with it” but honestly: who feel comfy knowing that people are seeing that muffin tops? It just happens to make your legs look shorter than they are and your waist look chunkier.
3. Improper Fit:
Too large, too small – why would people spend money on clothing that they can’t wear? The point is that one way or another they don’t look good. Hiding your body under an XL outfit or squeezing yourself into a size zero won’t do it, your outfit needs shape and structure.
4. Poor Choice of Materials
It doesn’t always have to be an expensive outfit from the biggest brands – but cheap looking clothing and accessories are a no go. Nowadays, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy a fashionable outfit!
5. Too Much Makeup On:
Well, we agree that makeup is one of the best things ever but some people just don’t know when to stop. If everything stands out or you have a tan line between your neck and your jaw, then you have too much makeup on. Just remember that when overdone, makeup can make you look tacky and older.
Nice post, I agree with all of these. You can totally next level yourself just by avoiding them.
Alex – Funky Jungle
Thank you Alex!
I so agree about improper fit — the importance of this cannot be stressed enough!
xo Sarah
Indeed Sarah! Thanks for passing by 🙂
I agree with your list. Sometimes, muffin top is because of the wrong fit. If people have an hourglass shape they really should not be wearing low-riders. I like that you provided exercise tips. This is a really good post. It was enjoyable to read. You are a good writer. I always enjoy reading your posts.
Thank you Sharon 🙂