
Happy New Year World!


2014 is coming to an end… and a new year is soon arriving – what a year it was! When it comes to it I can be nothing but glad: I started blogging this year – I have shared some fashion advices and fashion news with you guys, often with my personal opinion about how to be fashion without being a fashion victim – and I really hope you have enjoyed it.

We  have shared opinions on fashion trends, styles, fashion shows, make-up, diet, yoga and so many wonderful other things. And 2015 we will still keep doing that, hopefully with you aboard! If you haven’t done it yet, please subscribe to my blog and you will get all the informations for a 2015 full of fashion, style and glamour! Above you will find the subscription button and the ways you can follow us:



I hope your year was filled with happy realisations, joy and love; and that 2015 is off to a great start, filled with positivity, wonder, wisdom and a touch of awesome style!


Take care, enjoy fireworks safely and see you in 2015: HAPPY NEW YEAR!





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