
What I Got For Christmas ♡


Hey guys!

Christmas came and went! I love this time of the year and I hope you guys had a lovely and peaceful time with your family! My family and I had a great Christmas – it was weird though cause we had no snow and the weather was so hot for this time of the year 10°C (50F) but we spent time together, played fun games, went to church and exchanged presents. Take a look at a few of the presents I got:

Usually I don’t buy myself presents for Christmas but this year I have decided to buy a new tennis racket and shoes (have I ever told you guys that I play recreational tennis?) and I love them so much!


From my family I got lovely christmas presents



Pierre Balmain T-Shirt


20141230_154631~2 20141230_154714~2

Shoes and Bags:


Stella McCartney Sandals

 I love my Christmas presents and I am looking forward to wear them very soon 🙂 And what did you cuties get from “Santa”?

Talk soon!


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