Source on refinery29.com
Hands are very important for me as a women, it’s nice to have soft and well treated hands that smell nice – also we can’t forget the importance of our nails. They can be an addition to our outfit and make our hands sparkle but it also says a lot about how you care about the way you look, if you take care of the very little details on yourself.
If you look on Instagram or Pinterest you will find some awesome ideas and the best is that you can do it yourself (and you don’t need fake nails!): Practice makes the master right? Here you will fid some cute ideas you can put into practice!

Nail Art by craftynail.com

Nail Art by stylemotivation.com

Nail Art by persianv.com

Nail Art by tumblr.com

Nail Art by babble.com

Nail Art by beautyhigh.com

Nail Art by prettydesigns.com

Nail Art by stylemotivation.com

Nail Art by divinecaroline.com

Nail Art by pinterest-tutorials.blogspot.com

Nail Art by by Hanna-Sofia Hyytinen

Nail Art by Jennifer Webb

Nail Art by beautyhigh.com
I wish I could do that but I guess I need some Training.
Don’T give up!