Bags, Fashion, shoes, style

5 Things Every Fashionable Woman Should Own by 30

Some people say “30 is the new 20”, maybe it is or maybe not. Women are cheasing their dreams and take more time to fulfill their passions and ambitions. Whilst I believe that age is just a number and that you can dress everything you want to, as long as you are doing it with confidence – I also believe that it is also time to invest in some amazing items (if you still don’t have them!). Here are they:

Clipboard011.Trenchcoat: It has become pretty popular and I think it is tough to find someone who doesn’t own a classic trench. It can be combine wonderfully to everything and you always look perfectly dressed. If you have a trenchcoat already maybe is time to invest in one of the best brands, such as Burberry.

2. Little Black Dress: One of my favourite movies is “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. When I was a child I just wanted to grow up to dress something like that opening dress and wander the streets feeling A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

3. Leather Jacket: It doesn’t really matter if you like genuine or faux leather but everybody should own at least one  leather jacket. They improve the coolness of any outfit.

4. High Heels: I’d say that probably more 80% of us women have at least a pair of high heels, don’t you think? It can be challenging to walk on them but no other shoes can form the woman body as they do. By 30, women should invest in at least one pair of expensive heels!

5. The perfect bag: I know people who have more bags than shoes – and I am not joking! Women love bags but I think when you are 30 maybe it might be the time to invest in an amazing bag, a really good one made on good leather. A companion for your daily adventures.

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