Events, Fashion, Fashion & People

Fendi, Chloé, Chanel: Karl Lagerfeld Fashion Exhibition on Display in Bonn

Karl Lagerfeld is iconic: He represents high fashion, beautiful designs and amazing photographies. His talent and name has been connected to brands such as Fendi, Chloé, Karl Lagerfeld and of course Chanel. This year he is going to be honoured with an Exhibition in his german homeland.

Opening this weekend at the Bundeskunsthalle of Bonn, “Karl Lagerfeld: ModeMethode”, a selectin of his most amazing and fashionable creations from all fashion houses brought together by Lady Amanda Harlech (Karl Lagerfeld’s consultant and muse). In the opening show, Lady Harlech proclaimed according to Vogue:

Last sketch with Inga Griese #KARLatWAMS

A photo posted by KARL LAGERFELD (@karllagerfeld) on

“It is not a retrospective, it’s a future-spective. The idea was to show Karl’s complete oeuvre, something that has never been done before. It begins at the desk, in Paris, he has about five in one loft space, and they are all like this, some with more papers and books and fabrics on them, and each desk is used for a different project, a different collection. You’ve even got Choupette’s bowl!”

#ParalleleGegensätze Exhibition at the #FolkwangMuseum in Essen Germany, #regram @djcori

A photo posted by KARL LAGERFELD (@karllagerfeld) on

The interior was designed by Gerhard Steidl, a noted photo book publisher, following what Vogue called “a somewhat masculine, Germanic streetscape theme”.

The exhibit shows from Fendi’s frivolous fur, coloured shoes and pop accessories; Chloé glamorous dresses from the 70’s and 80’s; to Chanel’s 60 looks on sections like: “Dress as Uniform”, “Archetypes” and “Evolution of Tweed”.

The Exhibition “Karl Lagerfeld : ModeMethode” opens March 28 and will be on view through September 13, 2015 at theBundeskunsthalle Bonn, Germany.

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  • Reply Mary 27. March 2015 at 17:24

    Have you been there yet? I think this is such a great homage that Germany is paying to him <3

    • Elle Lux
      Reply Elle Lux 30. March 2015 at 18:24

      No, not yet. But I will visit them in summer for sure.

  • Reply Gemma 29. March 2015 at 05:22

    I love Lagerfeld’s fashion. I hope this exhibition comes to the US one day, very interesting!

    • Elle Lux
      Reply Elle Lux 30. March 2015 at 18:25

      I hope for you! xx

  • Reply Clara 30. March 2015 at 17:24

    Wow, this exhibit must be so cool!!

    • Elle Lux
      Reply Elle Lux 30. March 2015 at 18:25

      I think so too!

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