
What Colour Is This Dress?

Courtesy of

Courtesy of

This question got viral and is making a lot of people on Twitter crazy! You might be asking yourself “why?”… because whilst some people see this dress as being white and gold (me for example!), other people see it black and blue!

Background story: This dress was worn by a bride’s mother at the wedding party that the british singer Caitlin McNeill went to. Caitlin had such a big discussion with her brother that she decided to ask on Tumblr how people perceived this dress.

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Actually… the dress is black and blue (I can’t believe it cause I still see it white and gold hahaha)!


How Come

Why some people see it white and gold whilst others see it black and blue? It is an optical illusion! The human brain determines the colour of everything in its reflacted light – and the perception of colours can change by shadow of nearby objects. This photo is so bad and the surrounding colours are so muddled  that the brain can’t decide what colour it is.

We see colours differently: those who perceive the surrounding area as  dark, will claim that the blue in the dress is white  and the black will be gold.

And what colour do you see?




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  • Reply Mary 27. February 2015 at 18:25

    White and gold! This is insane lol

    • Reply Janine 27. February 2015 at 18:44


  • Reply Grace 27. February 2015 at 18:29

    Guys, it is black and blue hahahaha

  • Reply Tara Johnson 27. February 2015 at 18:31

    No way! We are fighting over the color of the Dress… #teamgold&white 😀

    • Reply Janine 27. February 2015 at 18:44

      Same here Haha

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