Courtesy of Chiara Ferragni on Instagram
Ever felt like you have a full wardrobe but nothing to wear? Yeah, me too and then we go shopping and shopping again and our wardrobe get fuller and fuller. However, before we go out and spend our precious money, there is only one right thing to do: clean the space of all the junk that you don’t use! Is it diffcult for you to decide what has to go? Follow this list:
Same Style, Different Colours
Okay, who doesn’t have similar T-shirts? But what about dresses and jeans? The best thing to do is to take all similar pieces out and realise which of them you use often (in many cases, if you use it at all!), pick your favourites and the other pieces let go. Of course there are also a couple of things you have to take into consideration, such as how much you payed for it but it is usualy a great way to start a closet cleaning.
Clothes You Have Never Worn
Well, let’s be real here, if you bough something one or two years ago and you haven’t worn it yet, chances are you will never will. Take a second look at it and be honest with yourself: will you ever wear it? If not, donate it or sell it on ebay and make real money with all the old stuff you will never wear.
Comfort Clothes You Would Never Wear In Front Of Friends
Would you like to be caught dressed on worn out sweatshirts and sweatpants? I don’t think so! Yeah, you might be thinking “in my home I should be able to wear whatever I want” and you are, but what you wear has an impact on what you feel and how you perceive yourself: comfort and lazy day clothing, YES – Look like a beggar, NO! We have to have the courage to let go…
Bad Outfits From Centures Ago
Everything that you are ashamed of seeing on old photos, do not belong on your wardrobe. It is time to face your old bad style and tell him to hit the road!
What Doesn’t Fit Has No Business In Your Wardrobe
We all would like to be skinnier, taller, curvier, etc, etc but these kind of clothes are only taking the place of real clothes. One advice for you is to keep those kind of clothes, especially if they were expensive, in an old suitcase somewhere your future self will be able to find it – and working hard so your future self will once really get to wear them.
Stained And Damaged Stuff
Why, oh why would someone even keep these things… closet cleaning exists for things like that!
Pieces You Don’t Like But You Keep Anyway
If you don’t like it now, chances are you won’t like it ever. These pieces have to leave in order of you to have a wardrobe you love!
I know this is a very difficult topic and we like to keep stuff cause “maybe one day I will need it”… But we have to make ourselves free of what doesn’t match what we actually are, our taste and personality so we can make room to new exciting pieces.
I’d love to do a closet cleaning day, but honestly, I don’t have enough clothes to begin with… I haven’t shopped properly in years coz I hadn’t liked my body..
Arianne | Ayre
Dear Arianne,
it is time to build more self confidence, girl!! You are beautiful, if you are not 100% satisfied with your body, let me tell you one thing: almost nobody is!
Sure, there are a couple of things that you can do to feel better: 1. work hard to achieve your body goal; and/or 2. work on your self confidence, getting to know what styles are the best for your body shape. Just free yourself from doubts, you are beautiful!
I love your post, and thanks for your idea