Spring has sprung and summer is on the doorway. Now is time to accessorize and enjoy this summer fashion. Here I´ll be sharing with you a few details that will make any…
Yoga is a very old practice with a holistic philosophy. Thinking about the classic yoga, the last thing that comes to the mind is that it can help to keep in shape during…
Sponsored post: Wenn wir Frauen eine Hochzeit vorbereiten müssen, das erste was uns das Kopf zerbricht ist die Frage “Was für einen Kleid soll ich tragen?” oder “Was für eine Braut möchte ich…
Sponsored post: Photography has become a big part of my life. In the era of Facebook and Instagram it is so important to be able to offer your audience beautiful and unique…
Sponsored post: It doesn’t matter how old you are or if you are a woman or a man, each one of us want to be and feel like our best selves but…
Sponsored post: The year of 2016 is almost coming to an end and to celebrate that most of us have parties: we gather family and friends to welcome the new year in…
Sponsored post: Spring can’t come soon enough. But one good thing about winter is that we get to prepare to it and to observe the trends of the next eason. One trend…
Sponsored Post: Das Jahr kommt langsam zum Ende und damit kommt auch die verschiedene Parties des Ende des Jahres: Weihnachtsfeier auf der Arbeit, Familie und Freunde Weihnachts- und Neujahrsparty und Schrottwichteln. Wichtig ist…