Fashion, Fashion & People

What Can We Learn From Jackie Kennedy?

Jackie Kennedy is undeniably one of the greatest style icons of all times. If she was alive, she would have been 86 years old – she is not around us anymore but her legacy will live forever… check out what we can learn from her style:


1. Don’t Hide Your Collarbone:

2. Try Bright Colours:

3. Wear Eye-Catching Belts: 

4. Black and White Go With Everything:

The iconic Jackie O would have been 86 today. This picture taken in West Palm Beach 1973 – #everett #fashion #icon #jackiekennedy

A photo posted by TheFashionCultivist (@thefashioncultivist) on

5. Interesting Collars Elevates Any Outfit:

6. Love (Graphic) Print:

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