Fashion, style

5 Issues That Only Fashion People With Great Taste Will Understand

Mary Poppins moment ! 🌂👜 💁🏼in Paraguay @MaisonBoggiani #MaisonBoggianiopening

A photo posted by Olivia Palermo (@oliviapalermo) on

If you are a stylish lady or gentleman with very high standars, I’m sure you have had to face some problems because of your good taste for fashion. We have named the problems and we will break it down for you:

1. It doesn’t matter which store you are in, you always manage to like expensive goods! Good taste can be pricey – good quality fashion sure is and your credit card is the one to suffer just because of your great sense of style.

2. Your friends are always asking where you bought this and that… and they buy those items too. It is flattering but also annoying cause you are not into that twin style.

3. You are your friends’ fashion adviser and you love to go shopping and showing them new styles – but you don’t know how to tell them that her/his favourite piece of clothing doesn’t do them any favour!

4. You are always running late because with all the awesome clothes in your closet it’s no easy job to decide what to wear!

5. You need to stop watching reality fashion/home makeover shows, cause you get so upset when you know you could do better!

We start off our Monday morning with a dose of #supermodel. Thanks, @heidiklum! #models #projectrunway #caseofthemondays

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